Monday, April 5, 2010

Monday Marriage Minder - 4-5-2010 - "Little Things"

"Quick! Catch all the little foxes before they ruin the vineyard of your love, for the grapevines are all in blossom." Song of Solomon 2:15 NLT

Every now and then life presents an opportunity through which we can learn a lesson that will apply to more than just our physical life.

Case in point. This morning, I was explaining to my sons the importance of removing the gravel that our snow-blower transplanted into our yard this past winter, before we cut our grass. I realize that the task of raking each piece of gravel back onto the driveway is not easy. However, the smallest piece of gravel, thrown by a mower blade, can cause big problems. A broken window on our house or on one of our vehicles is the least of our worries. Someone getting hit by a #57 limestone bullet is a down-right scary thought.

Needless to say, the boys did a fine job, and I only remember hearing the blades launch one piece of gravel. However, the importance of removing the gravel from our yard reminded me of how important it is to keep the little things that creep into our lives in check.

God intends married love to blossom and grow with time. But there are little things, such as our attitude, selfishness and the memories of past hurts, that keep many marriages from thriving.

What would happen if, tomorrow we determined that we would not allow the little things that could negatively influence our thoughts and actions to have any power and allowed Christ to remove them from our lives?

First, I believe there would be many surprised and pleased spouses. Second, I know that many marriages would begin to thrive. You see, there are plenty of good, even great, marriages. But relatively few marriages truly thrive.

We spend a great deal of our time focusing on big things while allowing the little things to add up. It is the little things - the little pieces of gravel that rob us in our marriages. If we accumulate enough gravel in the yard of our marriages, some one will, eventually, get hurt when the blade of circumstance hits it.

The verse at the beginning of this devotion depicts those little things as little foxes. Do not let the little foxes or gravel in your marriage ruin it for you and your family.

For Marriages and Families,


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