Monday, December 8, 2008

Monday Marriage Minder 12-8-08

Binding Hearts Marriage and Family Ministries
Monday Marriage Minder
December 8, 2008
Love Is... Part 14

(Love) always hopes…
1 Corinthians 13:7c

Last week we took a brief look at how love always trusts. This week we'll look at what love does when it is finding it difficult to trust. Yes, I write as though love exists in itself simply because it does in God. Attributes of love, when displayed by mankind, are godly characteristics that flow out of the connection between the Creator- God and his creation - mankind.


I continue to be amazed at the hopelessness expressed by the many couples that I encounter in ministry. Sadly, all-too-many couples have given up in circumstances that are not unlike those in nearly every marriage, labeling the distorted view of their marriage as "hopeless".

But, what about the times when the trust has, yet again been betrayed? Or the times when the change promised has not become a reality? What is there left to do? Hope! Hope is that aspect of love that, even when the opposite of the desired direction or outcome is observed in a person, the hopeful mate will still cling to the faithful belief that their loved one will make the change that is needed.

Perhaps the change that is needed is within us. Do we hold to a hope that we will, in God's power and our effort, make the changes within ourselves that will help our relationship to thrive?

Hope In Practical Terms

How might our love exhibit hope? Let me suggest to you four things that each of us can do to practice hope.

1. Be Humble - Use the other aspects of love we've previously looked at to guard your mind, attittude, speech and actions.

2. Be Optimistic - Expect and watch for progress in the problem areas of your and/or your spouse's life. When you see progress - Celebrate it!

3. Be Prayerful - Always be in prayer. God hears the prayers of his people and is "close to the broken hearted" (Ps 34:18).

4. Be an Encourager - Encourage your spouse regularly, even when he or she isn't acting in the way you want them to.

On one occasion, I witnessed hope to the extreme. A woman stood up in a church service and asked for prayer for her soon-to-be ex-husband. Contrary to her desire the divorce papers had been signed and the man of her life was gone. She asked us to pray for his salvation because she knew God's priority was his soul and, compared to that, the rest was, as she put it, "not important". While I believe that every marriage is important, I have never forgotten that woman's request or the hope that she had even after her pain, her dissappointment and her loss.

You may have heard the saying that says. "When you get to the end of your rope, make a knot and hang on!" Guess what holds that proverbial knot together? Hope!

Question of the Week: What are the areas in your marriage relationship that you need to have hope for?

For Marriages & Families,


Love & Respect Ministries, Binding Hearts Marriage & Family Ministries and Grace Fellowship

invite you to...

A Valentines To Remember February 13-14, 2009


Grace Fellowship

Canton, Ohio

Details Coming Soon


Monday, December 1, 2008

MMM 12-1-08

Binding Hearts Marriage and Family Ministries
Monday Marriage Minder
December 1, 2008
Love Is... Part 13
A Prank Call
(Love) always trusts…1 Corinthians 13:7b
Arriving home from work one day, I was met in the kitchen by my loving wife who was trying her best to keep an "I'm mad at you" expression on her face and a similar tone in her voice.
"Who's ___________?", she asked.
"Who?", I asked in response to her question.
"I have a voicemail on my cell phone for you from someone named ____________. She said that she had met you recently and that you wrote your number on a napkin", Robin explained, maintaining her feigned disgust. "She said that she really wants to see you again", Robin continued.
At that point we both busted out laughing. Upon investigation we discovered that a "hang-up" occurred at 3:00AM - bingo, this person now had my name from the greeting recorded on my wife's cell. The call in question came two minutes after the hang-up. Apparently, this woman didn't think her prank call through very well. First, unless a husband is exremely dull or brazen, why would he give another woman his wife's cell number as a means to contact him. Second, (this one was even more obvious to Robin) the woman, referred to as ____________ because neither Robin or I can remember what she said her name was, indicated that the call was for "David". Immediately, Robin knew it was a prank because I would never introduce myself as David. I always go by Dave; however, Robin's cell greeting (it's since been changed) gave the names, "David and Robin Kidd". Even though Robin knew that she had no reason for concern, she couldn't resist having a little fun at my expense when I got home.
As funny as that prank was at the time, I began to think about that happening to a couple who may not have been so secure. This part of our look at love depicts that aspect of love that says, in essence, I will trust another person until I see irrefutable proof that I shouldn't. It is that part of the marital relationship that guards how we regard our spouse - believing that their intent is to faithfully support and build us up. It is, indeed, trusting and defending our spouse even through the accusation of others. I've grown to be quite trusting of my wife. If someone were to bring an accusation against her or if I were to hear something that would raise a question in my mind, I would first choose to trust. Why? Because that's what real love does.

Question of the Week: In what ways can you demonstrate your love for your spouse by trusting them?

For Marriages & Families,


Love & Respect Ministries, Binding Hearts Marriage & Family Ministries and Grace Fellowship

invite you to...

A Valentines To Remember February 13-14, 2009


Grace Fellowship

Canton, Ohio

Details Coming Soon


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