"Many years later the king of Egypt died. The Israelites groaned under their slavery and cried out. Their cries for relief from their hard labor ascended to God: God listened to their groanings. God remembered his covenant with Abraham, with Isaac, and with Jacob. God saw what was going on with Israel. God understood" Exodus 2: 23-25 (The Message)
Imagine how tough a life of slavery would be - physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Being in bondage and seeing no way out would be enough to completely break a person. I wonder how many of the Israelites were tempted to give up on their prayers for deliverance? Quite a few, I suppose.
I am reminded about how often we find ourselves, or encounter others in discouraging, fearful and, seemingly, hopeless situations in our marriages or family. But, there is good news! Just as God cared for the children of Israel in their bondage to Egypt, God cares for you and I in the problems and situations of our lives.
Look at what the Bible says about our God...
1.God listened - Just as God heard the cries of his people in bondage, he hears our cries and our prayers today. We can be assured that God has his attention directed toward each one of us at all times.
2.God remembered - God remembered his covenant with Abraham and did not abandon his people. Neither has Christ abandoned us or his covenant with us - a covenant written with his own blood. Although there are times in our lives when we feel alone, we can stand convinced that Christ will never leave us or abandon us, at any time.
3.God saw - God was fully aware of his people's situation and, at the proper time, he acted upon what he saw. Isn't it awesome to know that God is looking at us, right now? He knows our needs, our feelings and our desires. He sees us!
4. God understood - Beyond listening, remembering and seeing, God understands what we are going through no matter how great or how small the circumstance. That's incredible! God is infinitely able to understand, empathize and show compassion to his people. Additionally, when his son, Jesus Christ, became flesh, he also became acquainted with everything we go through on this earth.
No matter what you or someone you know may be going through in your marriage; be it illness, financial strain, betrayal, loneliness or anything- God will listen - talk to him. God will remember - you can count on his promises when you are faithful to him. God sees you- right where you are, in every circumstance and in every need. Finally, God will understand - you can cast ALL your problems on him.
Trust God in your marriage and for your marriage. Live your life, knowing knowing that God is always near and intimately aware of your needs and desires. He loves you that much.
For Marriages and Families,