Binding Hearts Marriage and Family Ministries
Monday Marriage Minder
October 20, 2008
Love Is... Part Ten (10)
1 Corinthians 13:6a NIV
Love does not delight in evil...
"I knew he would mess up." I knew she didn't really change." "I knew I was better." If these statements sound harsh, it is because they are. Somewhere, deep down within ourselves, we humans seem to enjoy it when someone messes up - gives in to the influence of sin. Oh sure, we won't admit it, but that doesn't negate the truth. That's why Paul, under the Holy Spirit's influence penned the above verse.
Let's look at this from within a struggling marriage. Both husband and wife participate and play puppet to the influence of sin and the evil intent of the enemy. However, there comes a time when both spouses become too weary to keep making even the most meager effort. One spouse does something, or again, fails to act in a loving manner and the other spouse hitches their wagon to that incident, saying, "See, I'm better."
This characteristic of love drops a bomb on this bitter cycle that holds many marriages captive. Our enemy, satan, knows that if he can work evil into the marriage bond and get both spouses to delight in it's influence on the other, then he has driven a huge wedge into that marriage and is poised to take it down. Additionally, he also knows that he will not only get one or both marital partners , but he stands a great chance of pulling much of the family down with that one wedge in between a husband and wife. It happens nearly everyday in every marriage. Those thoughts that pop into our mind when our spouse does or says something we dislike are prime examples.
When our spouse fails and gives in to the influence of sin and evil, does it sadden us? Does it drive us to our knees in prayer - asking God to protect and strengthen our spouse? Or, does such circumstance find us gloating with self pride, saying, "I'm better."
What would love do?
For Marriages & Families,